Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tips To Whiten Your Teethヽ(•‿•)ノ

Hello everyone! I hope you're all doing well. I finally remembered to share some teeth whitening tips with all of you. As when I leave high school, I've decided that I'm going to become a dentist! So I've really taken an interest with teeth and decided that I'm going to be a really good dentist. I mean I will put my heart into it and decide that on my own. So I learned a lot of little tricks! I'll share with you how to safely whiten them.
Dazzling White works really well! Its just like Idol White, which is the same
thing. The only difference is price. Idol White is $20, and Dazzling White
is around $3. It only costs more because the Kardashians promote it
or something. But they work the same! I got Dazzling White on eBay for around $3. You
apply only once a day (more will just make your teeth sensitive). You leave it on for ten minutes, try
not to have contact with your tongue or lips. I usually just smile like a psycho for ten minutes.
It helps if you watch funny stuff during that time. Then it says to rinse it off, but you can
 also brush your teeth. I recommend just brushing your teeth afterwards. Then, don't eat or drink anything for
30 mins! Do this once a day.  

Then there is this mixture you can make for your teeth too. You mush up strawberries
and you mix it with baking soda. If you want, you can include Hydrogen Peroxide.
You do the same thing you do with Dazzling White. You leave it on for ten minutes and
then brush your teeth. You only really need one strawberry. I first used like two
of them and I ended up having to throw away a lot of it! Anyway, this works well.
Some other tips that I just know are just pretty simple. When you drink juices, teas, coffees, and sodas,
make sure to use a straw! So it doesn't really get around in your teeth too much. Because all of those 
liquids darken your teeth. Also, eating strawberries help. I mean, considering you use strawberries in the 
little mix I just showed you, it makes sense that eating strawberries helps. If you want,
you can even take a strawberry and rub it around your teeth. It really does help
remove plaque! Stick to these techniques and you'll have
bright teeth really soon(ノ^_^)ノ

I really hope you enjoyed this post!

Instagram: tanyatwerksout
Twitter: tanyaissleeping 

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